Dingazz Music Roundup 2018


I hope 2019 will be a year of great music, success, health, peace and love for everyone.
Last year was a year of change from a personal perspective and reggae also gained some formal acknowledgement.

Spring 2018

For me, I decided I wanted to spend more time on music so made some decisions that allowed me to achieve this. As an indie, as I have said before, there are so many hats that need to be worn. This makes time management so important so having more time has really helped. This is a decision we all have to make at some time. So you need to ask yourself 'do you really love making music'.

In April I released 'Warrior' which reached number one in Trend Cty Radio Top 40 charts voted for by listeners

Summer 2018

I decided that I wanted to add something extra to my releases and the best way to achieve this was by collaboration. To give the songs more individuality I felt using different vocalists was the best way forward. I could still create the sound I wanted but have the vocalist add their own creativity to the mix.

I had a song that did well in a songwriting competition that I never got round to recording and felt this was the time. It ended up as an RnB track entitled 'Unattainable'

It featured Tony Mac on vocals who did a great job adding his own bit of magic to the track.

Autumn / Winter 2018

After the collaboration on unattainable, which worked out well. I continued on the follow-up single 'ONE' with a collaboration with Jackie Scales. I was looking for a vocalist who could give the vocals an urban feel and Jackie did a great job. This was something I could not have achieved if I had voiced the song myself.

This was also the time where I had to make a decision about this blog. I had toyed with it but not put in the effort. However, I decided it was a great platform to say what I wanted to say and hopefully engage with likeminded music lovers. So let me know what you think.

Then in November Reggae was added to a list of international cultural treasures by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation). In UNESCO's opinion reggae music's
"contribution to international discourse on issues of injustice, resistance, love and humanity underscores the dynamics of the element as being at once cerebral, socio-political, sensual and spiritual".

UNESCO also added: "The basic social functions of the music - as a vehicle for social commentary, a cathartic practice, and a means of praising God - have not changed, and the music continues to act as a voice for all."

For those of us who love reggae music, this was a long overdue recognition, but great to see nonetheless.

So, the year ended with another song in the pipeline. This is another collaboration and should be released the end of January or the beginning of February 2019. More details to follow with an interview with the featured vocalist.

Keep reading this blog and all will be revealed soon.

I hope 2019 turns out to be a great year for reggae music and also for you personally.

