#TheBeginning - How it all Began - #TheInstigators

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There was always music at home, Country, Rock Steady, Ska and #Reggae. An uncle living with us had a #SoundSystem which gave my brothers and me exposure to all the classic #Jamaican music. We did toy with the idea of having our own Sound System but, then one day, the catalyst arrived. Mum bought an acoustic guitar from a friend and gave it to my brother.

I had just started working and I would come home and see my brother playing these melodies as he sat listening to Vinyl 45s. I thought, wow, bruv's got some real talent. The next thing I know bruv has decided we are starting a band, no instruments, no real musicianship at that time.

Over the next few months we taught ourselves rudimentary skills on DIY instruments. Speaker boxes and a mike for a drum kit. The acoustic guitar for the bass guitar. I had a guitar I was given with no strings so progress was slow. The guitar was right handed and I was left handed. I did toy with the idea of learning to play right handed but in the end nature won through.

As I was working, over the next few months I managed to save  and bought a  Fender copy Columbus bass guitar, a second hand drum kit and got a left handed guitar for myself.  A couple of school friends joined, one who could play keyboards and the other percussion and so 'The Instigators' was formed.

my picture of the instigators

The rehearsal studio was my bedroom and thankfully we had good neighbours. My brothers hawked around some rehearsal tapes and eventually a local Sound System owner 'Fatman' decided to open a few doors for us. The first thing that got us noticed was after we put down tracks for an album by two of Fatman's DJs. On hearing the Album the renowned David Rodigan refused to believe that a British reggae band had recorded the tracks. This got us some interviews by notable newspapers at the time and some much needed promotion.

We also released some singles the first called 'Let's Make Love' sung by Toyin Adekale who then went on to have a successful solo career. The follow ups were sung by the late Courtney Bartley (RIP), a great singer, who we discovered singing a tune on a bus.

my picture of courtney

Another notable step up was a residency at the 100 Club in Oxford Street. This really helped to make the band a tight unit. We started backing the touring reggae artists from Jamaica like, Delroy Wilson, John Holt, Tennor Saw, Errol Dunkley, Johnny Osbourne and more. But we still carried on producing singles.

Then the inevitable happened and the band broke up as life and commitments got in the way. I pretty much left the music industry and became an accountant (I can hardly believe it myself). However, my  brothers went on to be successful musicians and producers winning awards and creating numerous hits in the UK reggae scene.

Which brings us to the present day. I always knew that I had unfinished business and the time was right to continue chasing the dream. So  I am back in the music business, songwriting and producing my songs. Collaborating when I choose to and glad to be doing something I really love.
